Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Give it up

OK, so Lent starts today. Valiantly noted this morning with apple and oat pancakes for breakfast - on a school morning! with banana and maple syrup. Obviously we are not giving up food for 40 days. There is a possibility swimming about in my head that (in order to give up something I will really miss) I should give up ALCOHOL. But then there is the issue of the College Reunion this weekend that I am toying with. The idea of organising plane flights etc seems a little tedious and then there's the $$ and the inevitable hangover, the fact I have put on 10kg and feel grossy-burger and basically have no energy due to an overload of crap movies and late nights since last week. But to give up alcohol AND go to a reunion - may as well have a small ceremony and burn a couple of $100 notes. Not that I am not super keen to have quality time with my lovely Sydney dwelling friends and a night out on my own. It's just, you know, I feel lazy. But the other option is to give up - sweets. And I mean the lot - lollies, icecream, cakes biscuits, chocolate.... My own personal little war on sugar. I am sure that would make me suffer. We'll see???

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At February 6, 2008 at 12:35 AM , Blogger KPB said...

Just for Lent.
And count down the days if it makes you feel better.
Because you know that about 2 of those 10kgs will drop almost instantly just from cutting back on the booze.
And the reunion? Have a glass, hell have five, but you won't hate yourself or how you feel the next day.

You know I'm right.

At February 6, 2008 at 12:36 AM , Blogger KPB said...

And remember nothing tastes as good as being thin feels.


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